Friday 30 March 2012

Conceptual idea and photographs.

(week 7)

This was another encouraging class. Thanks goes out to Sean for such positive feedback on the selection of photographs i put on display for everyone to comment on and give feedback. It was great to see everyone's concepts and start to understand a little more about their style of photography and what interests them etc

I enjoy the review process of this class to. Scattering out a bunch of prints for sorting and discussion amongst my peers and lecturer is a fantastic thing for me as it frees-up the confines a computer screen limits you with during this process. I will continue to do this process in the future for all my work.

For me, it is often hard to single-out one or two inspirational photographers, because i take inspiration from so many aspects of different creative industries and day-to-day life.. but I appreciate Sean giving me with a few photographers to reference/research to help my theme - i will continue to look for others as well.

William Eggleston -
Stephen Shore -
Paul Graham -
Josef Koudelka -

The following images are other random samples of inspiration i have found before even deciding to tackle this theme - the sub-concious mind continues to wow me :) You may also notice some familiarity between these and the images i have been taking below.

Random photographs i find inspirational.

Random photographs i find inspirational.

Here are the images of mine that were singled-out by Sean to tell my story... basically my theme is trying to show the beauty in simplicity.


Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 1 of folio development.

(week 6)

I had been waiting to meet our next lecturer. From what i had been told this "Sean" guy seemed like a bit of a cool dude, one i might find a lot of similarities with.

Meeting him today and hearing him speak and getting an insight on his approach to photography certainly gave me a bunch of positive vibes. I like the way he thinks, i like his enthusiasm and positive attitude and hope other see this as well.

I feel he is the kind of bloke i need to help boost my already intense level of passion for photography to another level. So i look forward to further classes.

Another great thing i took away from Sean's class today was to get out and enjoy simple cameras again and feel proud of my unique eye on the world - then get out there and take photos naturally without letting it feel like work.

Great day :)

Notes from today's class: (use this as reference for next weeks class).

To do.

  • Find 3 samples of reference material on someone on the above website that i find interesting and take inspiration from.
  • Come up with a few creative concepts for my folio of images.
  • Bring in a few photographic PRINTS for next weeks class.

I thoughts up a handful of conceptual ideas whilst in class today. They include, but are not limited to the following:

Olympus Trip - Around Canberra
A series of photographs shot on B&W film on the 35mm Olympus Trip (i inherited from my father 2 years ago) of all the things i find wonderful about Canberra to help demonstrate to people all the reasons i chose to move my life here.

How great we really aren't.
A series of shots of all the things i dispose about today's society. We go on and on about how great we all are, but are we really. I see a lot of room for improvement. Things like waste, greed, ignorance, disrespect and plain stupidity.

Bikes of Canberra
Since moving to Canberra, i am constantly amazed by the number of people here who ride bikes. It is great to see and there appears to be an abundant variety. I would like to photograph the diverse style of bike and the character's who ride them.
(corcs - cbd - around the lake - mountain trails - bike shops - the front gallery etc)

I have always liked looking at shadows. They are the simplest form of identity and they give off different interest from different angles of view - like when looking down from an elevated position during low afternoon sunlight - as one example.
