Friday 30 March 2012

Conceptual idea and photographs.

(week 7)

This was another encouraging class. Thanks goes out to Sean for such positive feedback on the selection of photographs i put on display for everyone to comment on and give feedback. It was great to see everyone's concepts and start to understand a little more about their style of photography and what interests them etc

I enjoy the review process of this class to. Scattering out a bunch of prints for sorting and discussion amongst my peers and lecturer is a fantastic thing for me as it frees-up the confines a computer screen limits you with during this process. I will continue to do this process in the future for all my work.

For me, it is often hard to single-out one or two inspirational photographers, because i take inspiration from so many aspects of different creative industries and day-to-day life.. but I appreciate Sean giving me with a few photographers to reference/research to help my theme - i will continue to look for others as well.

William Eggleston -
Stephen Shore -
Paul Graham -
Josef Koudelka -

The following images are other random samples of inspiration i have found before even deciding to tackle this theme - the sub-concious mind continues to wow me :) You may also notice some familiarity between these and the images i have been taking below.

Random photographs i find inspirational.

Random photographs i find inspirational.

Here are the images of mine that were singled-out by Sean to tell my story... basically my theme is trying to show the beauty in simplicity.


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