Friday 6 April 2012

Artist's Statement (draft).

(week 8)

Conceptual theme: 
Living differently.
(or something along those lines)

Two years ago i came through our nation's capital (Canberra) towards the end of a 101-day solo voyage i embarked upon, through eastern parts of this great country of ours (Australia) and simply was in awe of the place. Vowing i would return.

A lot of people would reply with comments like "why the hell would you want to live in Canberra" or "you'll never move there, it's too cold" when i told them my plans for the future. I however see Canberra as a well-balanced, well-established, switched-on, multicultural, big country town - if that makes sense. A place with the status of a city, but without the chaos.

Moving to Canberra has been a wonderful experience for me. It just feels right to be here and to be doing photography. My senses are alive within my new environment and i plan to embrace all that it has to offer as best i can.

I have always grown up with a backyard, a verandah  and a tin roof, which sizzles under the extremes of Queensland's heat. Since moving to Canberra i have adjusted to the confines of cement, having next to no yard, a tiled roof that doesn't allow you to sit back and listen to the rain striking it with the force an afternoon storm brings and having a neighbour closer than i could piss! The colours of autumn are a welcome change too, and help bring a romantic feel to the landscape. That sneaky cool breeze on the back of my neck in the middle of summer also reminds me that i'm alive.

I can recall many occasions back home in Queensland where i have said "you'd never find me living in an inner-city apartment". How things change.. and as much as i used to cringe at the thought, it hasn't seemed to bother me one bit, i actually find the experience quite fascinating. At times it also makes me think i'm living in another country, but this is part of the fascination for me, because i am yet to leave Australia and i can try gain an insight into the ways in which we all go about our lives in our own unique way. Perhaps my inner aussie-bogan is finally fading away to just a distant memory.

In all honesty though, the humble side of me still yearns to find a balance of nature and solitude amongst the pace of modern day society in order to refresh and re-focus on what i'm doing. So as long as i have a nice mix of the two i will remain happy.

The collection of images i plan to exhibit this is being developed and will contain photographs of all the things i admire about my new home and that even though i'm leading a simple life i still feel very fulfilled thanks to photography - MORE ARE LIKELY TO BE ADDED.


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