Friday 13 April 2012


It has begun..

Surprisingly i don't have scissor-hand cramps after all that cutting out :)

On a serious note though, i have separated my selection of photographs into relative groups/themes for now and will begin to single-out those that suit my artists statement - which itself needs editing and refinement.

Speaking of my artists statement, the following list is simply a way for me to refer back to what lead me to make this series of photographs in the first place.

I feel making a list of things like this and referring back to it during the editing process, will help me select a collection of images (from the 200+ thumbnail print outs i have sitting on my lounge room floor at the moment) that best suits my theme different living = living differently

  • life without my beloved dog.
  • living so far away from family / friends and not being able to join with them in celebration. the colours of Autumn / leaves everywhere are new to me, but i like it.
  • thick fog and cold mornings remind me that i'm alive.
  • i like that i can now enjoy the sun's warmth instead of run from its fury like in QLD.
  • not having a yard is so weird.
  • how uninterested i am in politics even when Canberra is the heart of it all.
  • tiled roofs with chimneys instead of a tin roof and breeze-airs.
  • living in a town-house / inner-city apartment.
  • all the interesting things about having a multi-cultural neighbourhood.
  • the nice balance Canberra has of feeling like a small city and big country town.
  • and how the fact that i have minimised my belongings (distractions) has allowed me to lose myself in photography (my true passion in life) leaving me more fulfilled than ever.

Anyway, here is a handful of work-in-progress photographs.


added 10/4/2012 by Sean.

added 10/4/2012 by Sean.
making a start on the final editing process 10/4/2012.

added 13/4/2012

added 13/4/2012

added 13/4/2012

I found it interesting that whilst sorting through all 200+ thumbnails today i was drawn back to favouring my original set of images (the larger images in the final set) and felt i could simply add a few of the more powerful images from my recent efforts to complete my theme.

Like Sean said, it often pays to put them aside and re-visit/look at them again down the track. I feel this is relevant here, because i just went out and "took" the first lot during one of my afternoon walks, whereas most of my recent work i have "looked". It is also interesting to refer back to the different mindsets i was in during each environment.

Even the fact i captured the town-house image with the numbers 57, 58 and 59 written on it is so coincidental considering i now live in number 58 in the inner-city apartment complex. Life sure is a weird and wonderful thing :)

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