Monday 30 April 2012

Artist's Statement (re-re-visited)

Happy to be living simply.

This collection of images aims to give you, the viewer, an insight into understanding that once  you find, and then pursue something you are truly passionate about, all the simple things in life just become that much more valued and appreciated.

No family. No big-screen television. No microwave. No large fridge, or even a proper bed to sleep on each night is all a part of my current day to day life, but personally.. it just doesn't seem to bother me. Why? Because i have fresh air in my lungs, food in my belly and i am living a life of photography in a stunning part of Australia with an un-known amount of possibilities ahead of me. And i love it !

Finally, it is important for me to balance a busy lifestyle with moments of solitude and reflection in order to refresh and do it all again with all that i have to give. I have tried to depict this in these photographs.

May you enjoy :]


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