Tuesday 1 May 2012

Group editing.

(week 11)

Today was pretty beneficial. 

I enjoyed seeing everyone's progress with their collection of images for folio. They each have fantastic concepts / themes and i look forward to seeing it all come together. 

My progress is going okay, i have just been looking back over (and over again) my collection and have just now culled it down from 45 to only 20. It can be a tuff process this editing. A lot goes through your head, and you remember a lot of feedback from discussing it in class which makes you question images, but i need to remember to keep it raw and stick to what it is based around. If that makes sense.

What i now need to do is:

  • Do any of them require additional enhancements..?
  • Research a few possible ways of displaying / presenting my photographs..?
  • Should they be hung on the wall of a gallery space, presented in a book or in some other totally radical way- researching this is something i MUST do. 
  • What size do i want them displayed / presented..?
  • How should they be hung / mounted / framed..?
  • Gloss or matt finish prints..?

Here is a handful of candid photographs from today.


A sample of Dru Maasepp's fascinating work.

Joint edit and discussion of supplied photographs. 

Joint edit and discussion of supplied photographs.

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