Tuesday 29 May 2012

Exciting stuff.

It was great to be in class today and be a part of not only seeing some amazing work from my classmates and hearing their artist statements (good on you all) but also helping to see something extra special in Rebecca's collection of photographs.

It was also great to see how Dru's hand-made photo book was coming along. He mentioned he may have to re-make one due to the prints now being too large for the cardboard pages and the shoe-laces he has used not being quite effective enough. I hope he continues with it, because it is certainly unlike anything else we have sen before. 

Same goes for Rebecca, i look forward to her work developed further :]



The following images are just a bunch of snapshots taken during class today.

Rebecca brought in a stack of her work which was so
good to see, because i do like her theme. Then we 

all helped to single-out the winners.

The same bunch of cool people, just standing around
looking cool. Wish i could be that cool :]

Rebecca's initial layout lacked that extra oumpff.

Then Sean saw something that totally radicalised 
everything and got everyone involved.

It was amazing how Rebecca's individual photographs
were able to merge together in weird, yet wonderful ways.

The results had everyone fascinated/blown away.
It was so cool to whiteness :]

So by selecting sets of two photographs that fit
together closely, Rebecca was left with 7-8 images
from 13 photographs. As Sean would say "that's mad".

Dru's mega-book sure was coming to life.
Good on him for putting in such an extra effort.

His photographs contrast well against the plain brown
cardboard used to create his mega-book.

Joel, Michael & Kiah each presented their statements
to class and i thought they were all pretty solid.
Well done guys.

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