Tuesday 22 May 2012

Folio class - final stages of editing.

I can feel that everyone is close to finalising their folio of photographs for this class now. Good on those who had stuff ready to share in class shame about those who didn't, because i was looking forward to seeing your latest and hearing your thoughts.

Anyway, here is a bunch of snaps from today.


Drew's hand-made book had everyone gob-smacked.

Drew will now double his print size to 8x10. Gr8 idea.

Bec has some fascinating shots of her
dogs play-fighting, but needs to produce
a bit more so it can all come together
nicely for her before deadline.. go Bec :]

Michael continues to stun me with his work, i really do
like his photographs and credit his determination.

Sean adding a bit of experience to Michael's original
selection did help the overall impact i felt.

Michael's most recent collection arranged together.

My collection finally printed at a decent size, they're
at A4 now, no more thumbnails, yay! A small change
of wording to my artist statement was suggested
(which has been done) and i also need to consider
whether or not to give each image a title, or just
something as simple as a number.

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