Tuesday 8 May 2012

In class editing.

Small class today, with some away sick, but this allowed for some good discussion and feedback amongst those present. Cheers to Sean for the little turkish treat - such a tasty little thing that (insert name of food that i have forgotten here).

Hopefully like my other classmates, I feel i have a clearer understanding of my collection and how i would like to re-word my artist statement now after this morning's class. So i will re-visit it all before next week ready for the next step of deciding on how i want to display / present it all. Must try visit either The Photography Room or Photo Access this Saturday regarding this.

Anyway, here are a few candid iPhone shots from this morning's class.


Will getting in on the action - good to see.

A group of cool people standing around looking cool :]

Well done to Kiah for taking up 3 and a bit tables.

A lovely selection from Kiah's mass of photographs.

A selection from my collection of my final photographs.

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