Saturday 21 April 2012

Artist's Statement (re-visited)

Simple-y living different-ly. 

This collection of images is aimed at depicting how uplifting my life has become now that i am finally living in the beautiful city of Canberra, pursuing my one true passion in life.

For most of my adult life, i have been to anxious to break free from that which i knew, trusted and possessed in order to feel at peace with the world. Now that i live in a completely new environment, with minimal belongings allows me the freedom to follow my dreams and truly express my inner desire to become a photographer.

The fact that i am only doing this now that i am 30 is irrelevant to me, the fact that i am doing it is what fills my life with an indescribable sense of enthusiasm each and every day. Even if i only have my shadow to share the buzz.

Even the 3º mornings in the middle of summer, working night-shifts, living with a cat or 5 floors up in an apartment with a decommissioned lift and neighbours closer to me than i could piss doesn't really upset my enthusiasm. In actual fact, rather than let it spoil my mood, i see it all as photographic opportunities to help inspire my work. Hence this exhibition.

In addition to my minimalist way of life, I chose to use what i saw as a simple camera - my iPhone 4s. This has allowed me to just enjoy capturing wonderful elements of my new environment without getting caught up in the complexity of technical adjustments and perfection my more advanced DSLR often demands.

May this collection of photographs help remind you, the viewer, to appreciate all that you have and not to over-look all the wonderful things in your life - because i bet they're likely to be all the simple things.


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