Sunday 3 June 2012

Conceptual Theme for Folio of work.

Okay so this was produced a few weeks back (see older posts) but i felt it was still very much relevant to how and why this collection of photographs came to be.

Hope it is well received.


Presentation Statement.

The following document has been created to meet number 8 of the assessment criteria for this subject. It is brief, but relevant to all of my other development work throughout this semester and i feel it is realistic enough to use if i were to go ahead with an exhibition for this work in the future.

I had considered developing a floor and wall plan in addition to this, but realised i need to do further research into it all in order to do a good enough job, so for now it has been left out.

I welcome any comments regarding this.


Saturday 2 June 2012

Invitation to exhibition.

Okay so i decided to add to the realism of all this by developing a invitation design that would be printed and distributed at numerous cultural establishments throughout Canberra to help promote this exhibition. The places are made-up obviously, but you get the idea :]

I feel it fit well with everything else i have developed.


Tuesday 29 May 2012

Exciting stuff.

It was great to be in class today and be a part of not only seeing some amazing work from my classmates and hearing their artist statements (good on you all) but also helping to see something extra special in Rebecca's collection of photographs.

It was also great to see how Dru's hand-made photo book was coming along. He mentioned he may have to re-make one due to the prints now being too large for the cardboard pages and the shoe-laces he has used not being quite effective enough. I hope he continues with it, because it is certainly unlike anything else we have sen before. 

Same goes for Rebecca, i look forward to her work developed further :]



The following images are just a bunch of snapshots taken during class today.

Rebecca brought in a stack of her work which was so
good to see, because i do like her theme. Then we 

all helped to single-out the winners.

The same bunch of cool people, just standing around
looking cool. Wish i could be that cool :]

Rebecca's initial layout lacked that extra oumpff.

Then Sean saw something that totally radicalised 
everything and got everyone involved.

It was amazing how Rebecca's individual photographs
were able to merge together in weird, yet wonderful ways.

The results had everyone fascinated/blown away.
It was so cool to whiteness :]

So by selecting sets of two photographs that fit
together closely, Rebecca was left with 7-8 images
from 13 photographs. As Sean would say "that's mad".

Dru's mega-book sure was coming to life.
Good on him for putting in such an extra effort.

His photographs contrast well against the plain brown
cardboard used to create his mega-book.

Joel, Michael & Kiah each presented their statements
to class and i thought they were all pretty solid.
Well done guys.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Folio class - final stages of editing.

I can feel that everyone is close to finalising their folio of photographs for this class now. Good on those who had stuff ready to share in class shame about those who didn't, because i was looking forward to seeing your latest and hearing your thoughts.

Anyway, here is a bunch of snaps from today.


Drew's hand-made book had everyone gob-smacked.

Drew will now double his print size to 8x10. Gr8 idea.

Bec has some fascinating shots of her
dogs play-fighting, but needs to produce
a bit more so it can all come together
nicely for her before deadline.. go Bec :]

Michael continues to stun me with his work, i really do
like his photographs and credit his determination.

Sean adding a bit of experience to Michael's original
selection did help the overall impact i felt.

Michael's most recent collection arranged together.

My collection finally printed at a decent size, they're
at A4 now, no more thumbnails, yay! A small change
of wording to my artist statement was suggested
(which has been done) and i also need to consider
whether or not to give each image a title, or just
something as simple as a number.

Monday 21 May 2012

Artist Statement - finished !

Okay, so after some constructive feedback from last week's class. I was on the right track and had made a fair impression on Sean, but it was recommended that i re-visit my artist statement and consider ditching the image accompanying my statement for something more fitting to the theme itself.

I decided not to touch this since last week until tonight. When i had more time to sit down and tune into my thoughts and feelings a little more (last week was busy). Having a buny-n-cola after dinner may have also helped me tune in to my inner creative :]

Anyway, below is a revised artist statement and a new selection of images. I dropped the tree basking in afternoon sunlight and replaced the shot of my shadow with a photograph of my neighbours attempt to keep a potted plant alive and well amongst its cement jungle.

